Option Reference - totally booked

The Totally Booked options are available by navigating to Totally Booked -> Update Settings after activating the plugin.

General Options

Post Type / Taxonomy Archives

Author archive title
This option will override the authors name on all author archives.
Genre archive title
This option will override the genre name on all genre archives.
Series archive title
This option will override the series name on all series archives.
Books archive title
This option will override the archive title on the main books page. This defaults to Book Archives

Advanced Options

These options are meant for the power user and should be used with caution.

Rewrite Options

Books archive slug
This controls the rewrite slug for the books archive, This defaults to books
Author archive slug
This controls the rewrite slug for the author archivea, This defaults to tb-author (we wanted to make it "author" but that conflicted with WordPress core author functionality.)
Genre archive slug
This controls the rewrite slug for the genre archive, This defaults to genre
Series archive slug
This controls the rewrite slug for the series archive, This defaults to series

CSS and javascript options

Output javascript
This checkbox controls whether or not to output javascript on the frontend. Disabling this is not recommended unless you are going to provide your own javascript as the buy now popup relies on javsacript to work.
Output css
This checkbox controls whether or not to output CSS on the frontend. Disabling this is not recommended as the default layout depends on the CSS being loaded.

Archive display options

Archive maximum posts
This controls the number of posts to display in the totally booked archive pages.

Popup display options

Hide the local bookstore finder in the popup?
This checkbox controls whether or not there is a local bookstore finder in the buy now popup.

Theme compatibility

Wrapper start and end HTML options

These options control the HTML before and after the loops on the archive templates used by totally booked. These divs and classes and often what controls the overall layout of the page and if they are unpredicatble in a theme, no amount of magical code is going to make it "Just Work".

For example, if you are using the Twenty Thirteen theme, or a derivitave of it that hasn't been too badly modified from the original, the following snippets would have the plugin displaying correctly.

Wrapper Start HTML

<div id="primary" class="site-content">
    <div id="content" role="main" class="entry-content twentythirteen">

Wrapper End HTML
